Insufficient Session Invalidation
Content Spoofing
Weak Password Recovery
HTTP Response Splitting
Predictable Resource Location
Buffer Overflow
Application Misconfiguration
Insecure Indexing
Null Byte Injection
Insufficient Password Strength
Denial of Service
Information Leakage
Frameable Response
Insufficient Crossdomain
Persistent Session Cookie
Credential/Session Prediction
Improper Filesystem Permissions
Insufficient Password Recovery
URL Redirector Abuse
Insufficient Transport Layer
Mixed Content Security
Insufficient Password Aging
Personally Identifiable Information
Insufficient Anti-automation
Improper Input Handling
Integer Overflows
Routing Detour
XML Attribute Blowup
XQuery Injection
Insufficient User Session Invalidation
Insufficient Process Validation
Insufficient Authentication
Insufficient Session Expiration
Abuse of Functionality
Invalid HTTP Method Usage
Secured Cachable HTTP Messages
Non-HttpOnly Session Cookie
Improper Output Handling
Mail Command Injection
SOAP Array Abuse